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Monday, May 25, 2015

10 health tips for your everyday life

Do you want to be fit and healthy, follow these 10 health tips for your everyday life . By following this Number 10 health tips in your everyday life make you fit and more healthy.



Number 1 Health Tips from the 10 is  Get some fresh air

Fresh air gives you more energy. Go for a walk and you get both fresh air and exercise with one stone! Spent 30 to 45 mints in fresh year every day in the morning. It is the most important point of 10 health tips for your everyday life.

Number 2 Health Tips from the 10 is  Grab your toes

Lie on your back, grab your toes and pull. "This boosts your blood circulation after a long day when your feet have been squashed into a pair of shoes," says the American podiatrist Michele Summers. "Without good circulation works the muscles and nerves in our toes not optimal," she adds.

Number 3 Health Tips from the 10 is  Wash your bedding

Dust mites, which can cause allergies, likes to hang out in your bed. Kill them by washing your bedding and sheets in hot water once a week.

Number 4 Health Tips from the 10 is  Low 25 jumping jacks

"Remember, you must move, even for a short time, not to become stressed and to be in a good mood," says Lisa Oz, who is the author of the book 'US: Transforming Ourselves and the Relationships that Matter Most'.

Number 5 Health Tips from the 10 is  Do not let anyone disturb your sleep

Do not let your family and friends bother you with text messages or calls when you are sleeping. "I let friends and family know when I went to bed, so I could avoid the noisy calls and messages," said hospital doctor Marni Hillinger, who works in New York.  Better sleep is the another common rule of every Health Tips. 

Number 6 Health Tips from the 10 is Drop underwear

Apparently it's a good idea to drop the clothes once in a while, even if it is only at night, you will let the bum be bar. "To fail to take underwear on - or at least to do with cotton underpants - let your abdomen dry and reduces bacterial growth that otherwise could spread to your bladder and give you cystitis," explains surgeon and gynecologist Sherry Thomas John ' Regional Medical Center in California.

Number 7 Health Tips from the 10 is Zap your dish washing sponge

"It is the most bacteria-filled in your home," says microbiologist and Ph.D. Charles Gerba, who studies bacteria. "Approximately 15 percent of sponges contain bacteria that can make you sick," he adds. Health.com recommends that you throw your dish sponge in the dishwasher once a week, or let the vapors in the microwave for 30 seconds. And otherwise, you can also change the sponge once a week.

Number 8 Health Tips from the 10 is Eat carrots

The carrot is a dietician favorite vegetable, thanks to the high content of Vitamin A, eat, eat, eat. With our this point our 10 health tips was not full-fill.

Number 9 Health Tips from the 10 is  Watch videos of cute animals

Pets - and adorable animals in general - have a positive effect on our mood. So drop www.youtube.com and find cute videos of cute animals if you do not already have a pet, you can play with.

Number 10 Health Tips from the 10 is  Make a cup of cocoa

Drinking a cup of cocoa can be both relaxing and give you a quick chocolate nifty. It is scientifically proven that even a small amount of chocolate can improve your mood.

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