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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

7 Tips to feed your eyes.

When our eye's care is important not only protect it from external causes but also that summer arrives, the time of year when our eyes suffer because of the sun, swimming pools etc. 

7 Tips to feed your eyes.
7 Tips to feed your eyes.

Other hand the food we eat can determine the health of our eyes. And having bad eating habits, such as intake of refined sugar or saturated fats, can lead not only to suffer obesity and cholesterol problems but also the development of eye diseases such as cataracts. Vision-lab experts explain to us what the most beneficial nutrients for our eyes are.

Although foods of animal origin should not miss in our diet, it is recommended that preference be taken to a vegetarian diet character which highlight the absence of fat, Such as Mediterranean cuisine. It recommends eating fish at least twice a week prioritizing oily fish such as mackerel or salmon.

Foods rich in vitamin A, C and E vitamins such as fruits and vegetables foods are most advantageous to the eye as they have an antioxidant effect also delay cell deterioration. These include carrots, peas, apricots, strawberries, cantaloupe, spinach and seaweed due to its high content of beta carotene reducing dry eye, cataract formation or infections. Do not forget that vitamin A promotes the rejuvenation of cells that are affected.

As for red meats and sausages it is preferable shape causes consumption, l and having a high saturated fat content that promotes the appearance of premature aging eye.

Eggs also have to be very present in our diet because they contain a compound called lute in, which allows optimal color perception and vision improvement. We can also be found in lettuce, avocados, tomatoes, squash and peppers.

The seafood is high in minerals that promote healthy eyes such as zinc which protects the pigmented ocular tissues. This element can be found if you eat oysters, shrimp and mussels.

And, as we know, a healthy diet usually includes olive oil. For the health of eyes even more important because its properties affect positively to prevent muscular degeneration of the eye, a disease that can lead to permanent blindness

I hope this article will be very helpful for your eye's.

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